HELSINKY, Finland, IETM’s 30th Annual Winter Plenary Meeting
VIENA, Austria, Key person of EUROPEAN OFF NETWORK
ISTANBUL, Turkey, IETM’s 29th Annual Spring Plenary Meeting
CATANIA, Italy, Festival I porti dell`arte
UTRECH, Holand, IETM Autumn Plenary Meeting
TORTOSA, Spain, Internacional Festival “EntreCulturas”
CAMBRIDGE, UK, Trans Europe Halles 60th Meeting Escalator Internacional
BARCELONA, Spain, Association of investigation and theater experimentation
BARCELONA, Spain, Area of Productions of the University of Barcelona BELGRADO, Serbia, IETM Annual Spring Plenary Meeting
BELGRADO, Serbia, Balkan Express
MADRID, Spain, Escena contempránea Festival MADRID
TOULOUSE, France, MIRA Festival
BARCELONA, Spain, “Cultura i Ciutat. Cultura Emergent / Arts Escèniques”
GIRONA, Spain, DBM (Danse Bassin Méditerranée)
MADRID, Spain, X State congress of alternative theatres
BARCELONA, Spain, Fundació Xarxa
TOULOUSE, Spain, Festival MIRA, TNT.Toulouse
BARCELONA, Spain, III Meeting of women in scene MARGARITAS
SITGES, Spain, Festival Teatre Internacional
BARCELONA, Spain, FNAC – Festival Teatre Internacional Sitges